For those of you wondering why I keep mentioning the words 'Aloha' and 'Mahalo' in every article...Here's why - These key words are the most commonly used words on a daily basis all over Hawaii & they change your experience with local Hawaiian people when you use these words.
The word Aloha has different connotations like Hello, Welcome, Good-Bye, I love you and a plethora of other things depending on the contextual usage or tone of voice. Aloha in a native Hawaiian's words, "The traditional Hawaiian greeting means more than just hello and goodbye. According to etymologists, the word aloha breaks down into "alo," meaning presence, front or face, and "ha," meaning breath; the literal meaning is often given as "the presence of breath" or "the breath of life."
Mahalo in simple words means Thank You. It stands for expressing gratitude, esteem, regards, admiration, praise, respects.
When I was in Hawaii, I heard a local say, "And that's the spirit of Aloha". I found it quite fascinating and read about it. Quoting Serge Kahili King, " The Aloha Spirit is a well known reference to the attitude of friendly acceptance for which the Hawaiian Islands are so famous. However, it also refers to a powerful way to resolve any problem, accomplish any goal, and also to achieve any state of mind or body that you desire.
In the Hawaiian language, aloha stands for much more than hello or goodbye or love. Its deeper meaning is the joyful (oha) sharing (alo) of life energy (ha) in the present (alo)
As you share this energy you become attuned to the Divine Power that the Hawaiians call mana. And the loving use of this incredible Power is the secret for attaining true health, happiness, prosperity and success. "
In the Hawaiian language, aloha stands for much more than hello or goodbye or love. Its deeper meaning is the joyful (oha) sharing (alo) of life energy (ha) in the present (alo)
As you share this energy you become attuned to the Divine Power that the Hawaiians call mana. And the loving use of this incredible Power is the secret for attaining true health, happiness, prosperity and success. "
Go to Hawaii and liberally use the words Aloha and Mahalo and like me, you too will definitely experience the Hawaiian Spirit of Aloha in many ways making your trip really memorable.
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