Friday, February 8, 2013

Hawaiian Words - Learn the Basics


I always wanted to be a linguist. My passion & quest to learn new languages (if not in entirety, then at least the basics) lead me to exploring the Hawaiian basics.There are certain Hawaiian words that instantly caught my attention. The very basics that I heard in local conversations & songs. Sharing a few words to help you enjoy your visit to the islands even more. Enjoy learning the language of 'paradise'.

Of course I have discussed 'Aloha' & 'Mahalo' in a separate article. Here are the other words.

  • Hale (HA - leh) - A building or house
  • Hana (HA-na) - work
  • Hula (Hoo-la) - Hawaii's story-telling dance 

  • Kai (kigh) - the sea
  • Kane (KA-neh) - boy or man. You will read this word outside public restrooms for men.
  • Keiki (KAY-key) - child or children
  • Kokua (KO-KOO-ah)- Help

  • Lani (LA-nee) - heaven or sky
  • Lei (lay) - Neclace of flowers, feathers or shells (described in detail in my article below on Lei)
  • Lu'au (LOO-OW) - Hawaiian feast (described in detail in my article below on Lu'au)

  • Moana (mo-AH-na) - Ocean

  • Nani (NA-nee)- pretty, beautiful. In India, maternal grandmother is called nani. All grandmas as pretty beautiful at heart. I love the mixed up meaning of Hindi & Hawaiian.
  • Nui- It could mean great, important or big.

  • 'Ohana (oh-HA-na)- Family
  • 'Ono (OH-no) - Delicious, the best. This could get confusing if you don't know the Hawaiian meaning & wonder why is someone saying (OH-No) to something that is sooooo delicious. This confusion between English & Hawaiian 'Ono helped me learn this one.

  • Pali (PA-lee) - A cliff
  • Pono (PO-no) - Proper, correct. Could also mean excellence or goodness.
  • Pua (POO-ah)- Flower
  • Pupu (POO-POO) - appetizer, snacks. Thinking about how it sounds in baby language almost kills my appetite. You know what I mean.

  • Wahine (vah-HEE-neh)- Woman. You will read this word outside public restrooms for women.
  • Wai (why) - Fresh Water
  • Wikiwiki (WEE-kee-WEE-kee) - to hurry up, very quick


Monday, February 4, 2013

The Interesting Hawaiian Language


The Hawaiian language is melodious & gentle. Once you visit Hawaii, you feel encapsulated with the local lingo & traditional songs. The length of certain words might scare you off but if you try to read the words in parts, it's not so difficult after all. The words are almost exactly pronounced as they are written. In fact, I personally enjoyed learning some local words during my visits to various islands. Interestingly, the Hawaiian language has only 12 alphabets- 5 vowels (A, E, I, O, U) & 7 consonants (H, K, L, M, N, P, W).

Their state fish has the most interesting name. Try pronouncing it, it's fun! HUMUHUMUNUKUNUKUAPUA'A

Couldn't do it? Lost hope? Aah! It's very simple. As I said, break the word in parts.

Pronounce Humu twice (hoo-moo). Pronounce Nuku twice (noo-koo). Pronounce A (ah) once. Pronounce Pu (poo) once & eventually say A'a (ah-ah).
                                                                    Voila! You did it!
